Back up and restore databaseΒΆ

Using the decapod-admin tool, you can back up and restore MongoDB, the main storage system used by Decapod. The archive format created by this tool is a native MongoDB archive that is compressed by default.

The output of decapod-admin db backup and decapod-admin db restore is similar to the output of mongodump --archive --gzip and mongorestore --archive --gzip. The decapod-admin tool uses /etc/decapod/config.yaml to read Decapod MongoDB settings and correctly constructs the command line taking the SSL settings into account. To get a list of available commands and options, run decapod-admin db --help.

To back up the database:

$ decapod-admin db backup > backupfile

To restore the database:

$ decapod-admin db restore < backupfile

If you do not require compression, use the -r flag. In such case, mongodump and mongorestore will not use the --gzip flag.