Move imagesΒΆ

In the future, it will be possible to run decapod services on different machines, but this guide assumes that you have only one machine with docker and docker-compose. There may be one build machine and another production one. If you have such a diversity, please use Docker registry to manage Decapod images or dump/load them manually. To do so, build images and execute the following commands:

$ make dump_images
$ rsync -a output/images/ <remote_machine>:images/
$ scp docker-compose.yml <remote_machine>:docker-compose.yml
$ ssh <remote_machine>
$ cd images
$ for i in $(\ls -1 *.bz2); do docker load -i "$i"; done;
$ cd ..
$ docker-compose up

This will dump docker images, copy them to remote host and load. After that it will be possible to run docker-compose.