Source code for decapodlib.cloud_config

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This module has routines to help user to build user-data configs for
`cloud-init <>`_.

Decapod uses cloud-init to implement server discovery. On each server
boot user-data will be executed (you may consider cloud-init as rc.local
on steroids).

Basically, it creates several files on the host system and put their
execution into host rc.local.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import six
import six.moves
import yaml

"""File where Python script is going to be placed."""

"""File where server discovery script (which should be executed by rc.local)
has to be placed."""

DEFAULT_USER = "ansible"
"""Default user for Ansible."""

REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 20  # seconds
"""How long to wait for response from API."""

set -xe -o pipefail

echo "Date $(date) | $(date -u) | $(date '+%s')"

main() {{
    local ip="$(get_local_ip)"
    local hostid="$(get_local_hostid)"

    python {python_script} "$ip" "$hostid"

get_local_ip() {{
    local remote_ipaddr="$(getent ahostsv4 "{url_host}" | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d ' ')"

    ip route get "$remote_ipaddr" | head -n 1 | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | rev

get_local_hostid() {{
    dmidecode | grep UUID | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | rev

""" # NOQA
"""Script that should be run in /etc/rc.local"""

"""URL to request public IP."""

SERVER_DISCOVERY_LOGFILE = "/var/log/server_discovery.log"
"""Logfile where output of SERVER_DISCOVERY_PROG has to be stored."""

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function

import json
import ssl
import sys

    import urllib.request as urllib2
except ImportError:
    import urllib2

data = {{
    "username": {username!r},
    "host": sys.argv[1].lower().strip(),
    "id": sys.argv[2].lower().strip()
headers = {{
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": {token!r},
    "User-Agent": "cloud-init server discovery"

def get_response(url, data=None):
    if data is not None:
        data = json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
    request = urllib2.Request(url, data=data, headers=headers)
    request_kwargs = {{"timeout": {timeout}}}
    if sys.version_info >= (2, 7, 9):
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
        ctx.check_hostname = False
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
        request_kwargs["context"] = ctx
        return urllib2.urlopen(request, **request_kwargs).read()
    except Exception as exc:
        print("Cannot request {{0}}: {{1}}".format(url, exc))

metadata_ip = get_response({metadata_public_ip_url!r})
if metadata_ip is not None:
    data["host"] = metadata_ip
    print("Use IP {{0}} discovered from metadata API".format(metadata_ip))

response = get_response({url!r}, data)
if response is None:
    sys.exit("Server discovery failed.")
print("Server discovery completed.")
"""Python program to use instead of Curl."""

"""A list of packages to install with cloud-init."""

__all__ = "generate_cloud_config",

class ExplicitDumper(yaml.SafeDumper):
    """A dumper that will never emit aliases."""

    def ignore_aliases(self, data):
        return True

class YAMLLiteral(six.text_type):
    """Literal which should be set with | scalar view."""

def literal_presenter(dumper, data):
    """Presenter of :py:class:`YAMLLiteral`."""

    return dumper.represent_scalar(",2002:str", data, style="|")

yaml.add_representer(YAMLLiteral, literal_presenter)
ExplicitDumper.add_representer(YAMLLiteral, literal_presenter)

[docs]def generate_cloud_config(url, server_discovery_token, public_key, username, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT, no_discovery=False): """This function generates user-data config (or cloud config) for cloud-init. :param str url: URL of Decapod API. This URL should be accessible from remote machine. :param str server_discovery_token: Server discovery token from Decapod config. :param str public_key: SSH public key of Ansible. This key will be placed in ``~username/.ssh/authorized_keys``. :param str username: Username of the user, which Ansible will use to access this host. :param int timeout: Timeout of connection to Decapod API. :param bool no_discovery: Generate config with user and packages but no discovery files. It can be used if user wants to add servers manually. :return: Generated user-data in YAML format. :rtype: str """ server_discovery_token = str(server_discovery_token) timeout = timeout or REQUEST_TIMEOUT if not url.startswith(("http://", "https://")): url = "http://{0}".format(url) document = { "users": get_users(username, public_key), "packages": PACKAGES } if not no_discovery: document["write_files"] = get_files( url, server_discovery_token, username, timeout) document["runcmd"] = get_commands(url) cloud_config = yaml.dump( document, Dumper=ExplicitDumper, indent=2, width=9999) cloud_config = "#cloud-config\n{0}".format(cloud_config) return cloud_config
def get_files(url, server_discovery_token, username, timeout): """This function returns part of user-data which is related to files which should be placed on remote host. :param str url: URL of Decapod API. This URL should be accessible from remote machine. :param str server_discovery_token: Server discovery token from Decapod config. :param str username: Username of the user, which Ansible will use to access this host. :param int timeout: Timeout of connection to Decapod API. :return: A list of the data, related to files :rtype: list """ python_program = PYTHON_PROG.format( username=username, url=url, token=server_discovery_token, timeout=timeout, metadata_public_ip_url=METADATA_URL_PUBLIC_IP ) rc_local_program = SERVER_DISCOVERY_PROG.format( url_host=get_hostname(url), python_script=PYTHON_SCRIPT_FILENAME ) return [ { "content": YAMLLiteral(python_program), "path": PYTHON_SCRIPT_FILENAME, "permissions": "0440" }, { "content": YAMLLiteral(rc_local_program), "path": SERVER_DISCOVERY_FILENAME, "permissions": "0550" } ] def get_users(username, public_key): """This function returns part of user-data which is related to users which should be created on remote host. :param str username: Username of the user, which Ansible will use to access this host. :param str public_key: SSH public key of Ansible. This key will be placed in ``~username/.ssh/authorized_keys``. :return: A list of the data, related to users :rtype: list """ return [ { "name": username, "groups": ["sudo"], "shell": "/bin/bash", "sudo": ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"], "ssh-authorized-keys": [public_key] } ] def get_commands(url): """This function returns part of user-data which is related to commands which should be executed on remote host. .. note:: These commands will be executed once on the first boot. :param str url: URL of Decapod API. This URL should be accessible from remote machine. :return: A list of the data, related to commands. :rtype: list """ command = [ get_command_header(), get_command_update_rc_local(), get_command_enable_rc_local(), get_command_run_script(), get_command_footer() ] return command def get_command_header(): """This function returns command for user-data which creates header in the log. :return: A command to put in the header. :rtype: list """ return ["echo", "=== START DECAPOD SERVER DISCOVERY ==="] def get_command_update_rc_local(): """This function returns command for user-data which updates ``/etc/rc.local`` file. :return: A command which updates file. :rtype: list """ return [ "sh", "-xc", ( r"grep -q '{server_discovery_filename}' /etc/rc.local || " r"sed -i 's?^exit 0?{server_discovery_filename} " r">> {server_discovery_logfile} 2>\&1\nexit 0?' /etc/rc.local" ).format( server_discovery_filename=SERVER_DISCOVERY_FILENAME, server_discovery_logfile=SERVER_DISCOVERY_LOGFILE ) ] def get_command_enable_rc_local(): """This function returns command for user-data which enables execution of ``/etc/rc.local`` file. :return: A command which enables execution. :rtype: list """ return [ "sh", "-xc", r"systemctl enable rc-local.service || true" ] def get_command_run_script(): """This function returns command for user-data which executes ``/etc/rc.local`` file. :return: A command which executes script. :rtype: list """ return [ "sh", "-xc", r"{script} 2>&1 | tee -a {logfile}".format( script=SERVER_DISCOVERY_FILENAME, logfile=SERVER_DISCOVERY_LOGFILE ) ] def get_command_footer(): """This function returns command for user-data which creates footer in the log. :return: A command to put in the footer. :rtype: list """ return ["echo", "=== FINISH DECAPOD SERVER DISCOVERY ==="] def get_hostname(hostname): """This command parses given URL and extracts hostname. :param str hostname: URL to parse. :return: Hostname from parameter :rtype: str """ parsed = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(hostname) parsed = parsed.netloc.split(":", 1)[0] return parsed