Server modelΒΆ

The server model defines a server used for Ceph purposes. Servers are detected during the server discovery process. Each server has a name (FQDN by default), IP, FQDN, state, cluster ID, and facts. A user is only allowed to modify the server name, other attributes are updated automatically on the server discovery. The facts property is a set of facts collected by Ansible and returned as is. By default, Ansible collects only its own facts, ignoring Ohai and Facter.


We do not recommend that you manually create a new server using the API. Servers must be discovered by the discovery protocol.

Server discovery is an automatic process of discovering new servers in Decapod. During this process, Decapod works passively.


A node operating system deployment is not in the scope of Decapod. The server discovery is performed using cloud-init, so the only requirement for the node OS is to support cloud-init.

The cloud-init package is required to create a user for Ansible, set the deployment SSH public key for the user’s authorized keys, and update the /etc/rc.local script. Then, the /etc/rc.local script registers the host in Decapod.