Decapod configuration fileΒΆ

Decapod configuration is performed within the config.yaml file in YAML format. Decapod searches for the configuration file in several locations in the following order:

  • $(pwd/decapod.yaml
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/decapod/config.yaml
  • :`$HOME/.decapod.yaml
  • /etc/decapod/config.yaml
  • Default configuration file of the decapod_common package

If a configuration file was found and parsed before, other alternatives will not be used. Therefore, if you have the default configuration file in /etc/decapod/config.yaml then placing the configuration to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/decapod/config.yaml will override the default one. For details, see XDG Base Directory Specification.

Default configuration in containerized Decapod stack is placed in /etc/decapod/config.yaml.