Update a playbook configurationΒΆ

You may need to update a playbook configuration, for example, to use another host for the monitor.

To do so, update the playbook model using one of the following ways:

  • Edit the playbook and send to stdin of the decapod playbook-configuration update fd499a1e-866e-4808-9b89-5f582c6bd29e command where fd499a1e-866e-4808-9b89-5f582c6bd29e is the playbook configuration ID.
  • Run an external editor with the --model-editor option. Using this option, the Decapod CLI downloads the model and sends its data field to the editor. After you save and close the editor, the updated model is sent to the Decapod API. To use this model, verify that your editor is set using the env | grep EDITOR command.
  • Dump JSON with modifications and inject into the --model option.


Avoid updating fields outside of the data field (that is why the --model-editor option shows only the data field). Sending the whole model back to the Decapod API allows keeping consistent behavior of the Decapod API.

To update a playbook configuration:

  1. Run the decapod playbook-configuration update command with the --model-editor flag.


    $ decapod playbook-configuration update fd499a1e-866e-4808-9b89-5f582c6bd29e --model-editor
        "data": {
            "cluster_id": "f2621e71-76a3-4e1a-8b11-fa4ffa4a6958",
            "configuration": {
                "global_vars": {
                    "ceph_facts_template": "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/decapod_common/facts/ceph_facts_module.py.j2",
                    "ceph_stable": true,
                    "ceph_stable_distro_source": "jewel-xenial",
                    "ceph_stable_release": "jewel",
                    "ceph_stable_repo": "http://eu.mirror.fuel-infra.org/shrimp/ceph/apt",
                    "cluster": "ceph",
                    "cluster_network": "",
                    "copy_admin_key": true,
                    "fsid": "f2621e71-76a3-4e1a-8b11-fa4ffa4a6958",
                    "journal_collocation": true,
                    "journal_size": 100,
                    "max_open_files": 131072,
                    "nfs_file_gw": false,
                    "nfs_obj_gw": false,
                    "os_tuning_params": [
                            "name": "fs.file-max",
                            "value": 26234859
                            "name": "kernel.pid_max",
                            "value": 4194303
                    "public_network": ""
                "inventory": {
                    "_meta": {
                        "hostvars": {
                            "": {
                                "ansible_user": "ansible",
                                "devices": [
                                "monitor_interface": "ens3"
                            "": {
                                "ansible_user": "ansible",
                                "devices": [
                                "monitor_interface": "ens3"
                            "": {
                                "ansible_user": "ansible",
                                "devices": [
                                "monitor_interface": "ens3"
                            "": {
                                "ansible_user": "ansible",
                                "devices": [
                                "monitor_interface": "ens3"
                            "": {
                                "ansible_user": "ansible",
                                "devices": [
                                "monitor_interface": "ens3"
                    "clients": [],
                    "iscsi_gw": [],
                    "mdss": [],
                    "mons": [
                    "nfss": [],
                    "osds": [
                    "rbd_mirrors": [],
                    "restapis": [
                    "rgws": []
            "name": "deploy",
            "playbook_id": "cluster_deploy"
        "id": "fd499a1e-866e-4808-9b89-5f582c6bd29e",
        "initiator_id": "7e47d3ff-3b2e-42b5-93a2-9bd2601500d7",
        "model": "playbook_configuration",
        "time_deleted": 0,
        "time_updated": 1479907354,
        "version": 2

    The example above shows replacing in mons/restapis and adding it to the OSD list, and also placing the from OSDs to mons/restapis. As a result, the playbook configuration ID is fd499a1e-866e-4808-9b89-5f582c6bd29e and the version is 2.

  2. Save your changes and exit the editor. Proceed to Execute a playbook configuration.