
Prior to upgrading Decapod from 0.1.x to 1.0.0, verify that you have completed the following tasks:

  1. From the machine that runs Decapod, obtain the latest versions of Decapod 1.0 release series:

    $ git clone -b stable-1.0 --recurse-submodules ~/decapod
  2. Create a directory to store configuration files and private keys for Decapod:

    $ mkdir -p ~/decapod_runtime
  3. Obtain the project name:

    $ docker-compose ps | grep api | cut -f 1 -d '_' | sort -u

    For simplicity, further examples use PROJ as the project name.


    To avoid passing -p each time you run docker-compose, use the COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME environment variable.

  4. Copy the required configuration files to the ~/decapod_runtime directory:

    $ cp ~/decapod/{.env,docker-compose.yml,docker-compose.override.yml} ~/decapod_runtime
  5. Set the path to the SSH private key in the .env file:

    decapod_runtime/id_rsa?" ~/decapod_runtime/.env

    Use the name of your private key if it differs from the id_rsa in the example above.