
The following table shows the general information about the Deploy Ceph cluster plugin:

Property Value
ID cluster_deploy
Name Deploy Ceph Cluster
Required Server List Yes

The following table lists the available hints for the plugin:

Hint Title Default value Description
dmcrypt Use dmcrypted OSDs False Defines the dmcrypt usage for OSD devices.
collocation Collocate OSD data and journal on same devices False Defines whether the journal and data have to be placed on the same devices.
rest_api Setup Ceph RestAPI False Defines the RestAPI installation for Ceph.
mon_count The number of monitors to deploy 3 Defines the number of monitors.

The Deploy Ceph cluster plugin is tightly coupled with ceph-ansible versions. The following table shows the mapping between the plugin version and the corresponding version of ceph-ansible.

Plugin version ceph-ansible version
>=0.1,<0.2 v1.0.8
>=1.1,<1.2 v2.2.4